Thursday, March 08, 2007

RemSpecED – Magazine on remedial and special education is South Africa – Goes Monthly!

Parents, teachers and therapists have welcomed the news that the RemSpecED magazine will be a monthly magazine! This full colour mag is a welcome source of validated information on parenting the child that has challenges to learning and development.

Deonette, Occupational Therapist from Durban, commented "I received the copies of the RemSpecED magazine yesterday and wow!!!! What a surprise. It is so nice and informative. Thank you very much for this offer - I feel it is almost too good to be true." She, like many practitioners, is offering the magazine to her clients as added value to her practice.
The first edition was launched in February with a print run of 5000 copies, and is distributed through specialised schools, therapy practices and doctors waiting rooms. "Parents crave information when they have a child with specialised needs", says Paula Barnard, editor of RemSpecED. "Since the launch of the print magazine my email has been flooded with questions from parents ranging from which is the best school to why does a child need visual therapy, to should I hire a facilitator? We have had many mainstream schools ask if they can subscribe even though they are not remedial based as they see value in the content for teachers to be able to help the children in their classes who need some additional support. The response has been overwhelming!"

RemSpecED is a unique magazine in that it covers the challenges that other parents never face, and it is very local focussed with resources available and the situations experienced in South Africa. The key is that the information is realistic to the circumstances that we face in our unique country. It is not a generic parenting magazine, you won’t find your most elaborate party idea, but you will find how to throw a party for 10 hyperactive children and survive!
RemSpecED goes out to parents, therapists, teachers and others involved with children who need additional support in learning and developing. It provides a unique platform to market products that are healthy, educationally valuable and developmentally appropriate, as the readers of this magazine are motivated buyers where the best interests of their children and clients are concerned.

The deadline for RemSpecEDs march edition is 2007/03/16

For further info visit or e-mail Paula (


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Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
