Sunday, June 28, 2009

From Windy Hollow

Check out the following message from Helen Du Plessis of Windy Hollow which offers Therapeutic Riding to South African kids.

RemSpecED is one of the sponsors of Windy Hollow and would love to see others support the initiative. Check them out and give them your support.

Hi Everybody,

Windy Hollow has a brand new web-site created by Bianca Van Heerden, it is a very vast site that has information on all the aspects relevant to “Therapeutic Riding” and “Candidate Instruction Training”, as well as “Our History” and day to day “Happenings” at the centre, and it will be going live in the next few days, all we are waiting for is your reply . . . . .

To create traffic to our site we have been collecting names and numbers of all the equestrian personalities in South Africa – big and small (we have 5500 contacts on this list at present) and a general business contact list of 1800 contacts. We will over the coming month use these contacts in direct emails and email to sms drops to promote our site and so your site.

What we plan to do is use the site as a means to sustain the rehabilitation or therapeutic riding that we offer our local challenged riders, this is how it is going to work:

On the new site that is going live over the weekend we have a page that is called the “Sponsors Gallery” and we will be listing links to your site from this page, (all types of business links welcome) and will from time to time do email advertising drops with extra information on what you are offering and your service or product range as part of the promotion but here is the ‘catch’ these links will be posted on the page with the company or listing site that has donated the highest amount for the month to our program at the top of the page in the first slot and the sites with a lower donation amounts lower down on the page.

  • We are not going to disclose the amounts donated.• We are not expecting huge sums of money each month, donations can rangefrom say R20 or R30 to say R100 or more if it can be afforded but it is not expected.
  • Emails will be sent to the donators in the first ten places if theirspace in the raking order is challenged by another sponsor donating more a week before the official posting is uploaded.• If we have more than one sponsor donating the same amount we willarrange their links in alphabetical order.
  • The rearranging of order will only take place once a month.• Anybody donating say R150 or more per month will be listed on our“R100’s Club” as well as on the “Sponsors Gallery” Page.
  • Anybody wanting to pay for a year in advance will be welcomed.

And then we are going to hold an “Official Lunch or Dinner” to launch our Web-Site and we will be asking our top sponsors to introduce what they offer to the guests at the Launch.
For your basic information we have a test site up and running already, the link to this being, however do understand this is only a test site and the layout of the new site is much better.(The link to the new site is to be found at the footer of this mail but it is still has the old site loaded at the moment).

The reason we are promoting this before the new site goes live, is so that when the site goes live we can already have your link in place. If you are interested in being part of this venture please drop me a mail so that we can exchange further details on

I thank you in advance for your interest.

Helen Du PlessisWindy Hollow Therapeutic Riding Centre033-121 NPO

Face Book Group: Windy Hollow

082 975-5369

Fax: 0865255611

Attached is a photo of some of the riders that befit from what we do, and if you are not interested or don't have a web-site please forward this to anybody you know who may have a site and may be interested. Thank you!!

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