Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Barney, BJ and Baby Bop visit Cape Town for the first time!

Capetonians are in for a special treat from 30 August to 1 November, when BJ and Baby Bop will, for the very first time, join everybody’s favourite dinosaur, Barney, at The Baby Expo Cape Town, happening at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.
Read the complete article here.

The Baby Expo Durban in celebration of all South Africa’s Superhero families

Since its first expo in 2005, The Baby Expo™ has proved to be streets ahead of its competitors by creating the biggest child and parenting expo in Africa and by producing the most advantageous platform for new businesses to launch their baby products and services.

Read the complete article here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tips from a Speech-Language Therapist

Lindsay Brown tells RemSpecED that in the pre-school classroom, phonemic awareness activities can be weaved into everyday routines and tasks.

The objective of any phonemic awareness activity should be to facilitate children’s ability to perceive that their speech is made- up of a series of sounds. It is the breaking down and manipulation of spoken/oral language.

Read the rest of the article here and check out the Phonix in Box website.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

From Windy Hollow

Check out the following message from Helen Du Plessis of Windy Hollow which offers Therapeutic Riding to South African kids.

RemSpecED is one of the sponsors of Windy Hollow and would love to see others support the initiative. Check them out and give them your support.

Hi Everybody,

Windy Hollow has a brand new web-site created by Bianca Van Heerden, it is a very vast site that has information on all the aspects relevant to “Therapeutic Riding” and “Candidate Instruction Training”, as well as “Our History” and day to day “Happenings” at the centre, and it will be going live in the next few days, all we are waiting for is your reply . . . . .

To create traffic to our site we have been collecting names and numbers of all the equestrian personalities in South Africa – big and small (we have 5500 contacts on this list at present) and a general business contact list of 1800 contacts. We will over the coming month use these contacts in direct emails and email to sms drops to promote our site and so your site.

What we plan to do is use the site as a means to sustain the rehabilitation or therapeutic riding that we offer our local challenged riders, this is how it is going to work:

On the new site that is going live over the weekend we have a page that is called the “Sponsors Gallery” and we will be listing links to your site from this page, (all types of business links welcome) and will from time to time do email advertising drops with extra information on what you are offering and your service or product range as part of the promotion but here is the ‘catch’ these links will be posted on the page with the company or listing site that has donated the highest amount for the month to our program at the top of the page in the first slot and the sites with a lower donation amounts lower down on the page.

  • We are not going to disclose the amounts donated.• We are not expecting huge sums of money each month, donations can rangefrom say R20 or R30 to say R100 or more if it can be afforded but it is not expected.
  • Emails will be sent to the donators in the first ten places if theirspace in the raking order is challenged by another sponsor donating more a week before the official posting is uploaded.• If we have more than one sponsor donating the same amount we willarrange their links in alphabetical order.
  • The rearranging of order will only take place once a month.• Anybody donating say R150 or more per month will be listed on our“R100’s Club” as well as on the “Sponsors Gallery” Page.
  • Anybody wanting to pay for a year in advance will be welcomed.

And then we are going to hold an “Official Lunch or Dinner” to launch our Web-Site and we will be asking our top sponsors to introduce what they offer to the guests at the Launch.
For your basic information we have a test site up and running already, the link to this being http://www.geocities.com-windyhollow1/, however do understand this is only a test site and the layout of the new site is much better.(The link to the new site is to be found at the footer of this mail but it is still has the old site loaded at the moment).

The reason we are promoting this before the new site goes live, is so that when the site goes live we can already have your link in place. If you are interested in being part of this venture please drop me a mail so that we can exchange further details on helen@windyhollow.org.za

I thank you in advance for your interest.

Helen Du PlessisWindy Hollow Therapeutic Riding Centre033-121 NPOhttp://www.windyhollow.org.za/http://windyhollow.iblog.co.za/

Face Book Group: Windy Hollow

082 975-5369

Fax: 0865255611

Attached is a photo of some of the riders that befit from what we do, and if you are not interested or don't have a web-site please forward this to anybody you know who may have a site and may be interested. Thank you!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Explanatory notes on aspects of therapeutic riding

Helen Du Plessis of Windy Hollow has prepared an article for the RemSpecED readers on some of the medical reasons why therapeutic horse-riding can be a valuable tool for children.

Check out the article here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Social work declared a "scarce skill"

As some of you may know, we're in the process of fostering and adopting a little boy so this is something that we have experienced first-hand.

There is a good article on the Skills Portal website by Caitlyn Smythe about the demand and funding being set aside for social workers in South Africa. Check it out here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

An Additional Learning ADDventures Course organised!

Venue: Rondebosch Boys High School

Book Now: Pat - 082 559 3364 or pat@ladd.co.za

Due to numerous requests for assistance with family interventions, client meetings and an additional course, we are extending our stay in Cape Town until the 24th May.

We offer a 2 hour appointment at R400 for individuals, couples and families.

Our 2 hour AD/HD impairments Assessment which includes a detailed written report is R800.00. For further information or to book an appointment call Pat on 082 559 3364 or e-mail her at pat@ladd.co.za

If you would like us to speak at your school (I know it is short notice) contact Pat.

Details of courses and workshops below.

1. Learning ADDventures for 16 - 22 year olds - R400 only.

We have had a flurry of requests to put on an additional course and we are now running it on Saturday afternoon from 2 - 5pm (16th) and from 7 - 10pm on Monday evening the 18th.

Exams are looming and time is short but if they can get the right attitude and find their passion they will flourish.

Parents attend the final hour on the Monday evening to find out what their offspring have learnt and how to sustain it.

Give your children a jump on their peers.

Prepare For Your Future
Are you in Grade 10, 11, 12, battling to find your first job, at university or college and struggling to get through all the work?

Do you know how to study?
What is your time management like?
Do you procrastinate?
Have you made the RIGHT career decision?
Are you battling with peer pressure?

If you answer yes to even one of the above questions this workshop is for you!

The Learning ADDventures 1 Day course provides both learners and parents with valuable tools to enable better learning and studying.
The course includes modules on Time Management, Decision Making, Values and Behaviour, Overcoming Procrastination, Developing and Achieving Realistic Goals, and a range of studying methods to suit every learner.
These courses are aimed at 16 - 22 year olds with an opportunity for parents to participate.
The course is interactive with group break-away periods providing an exciting “discovery” experience as each student finds their best method for planning, studying and learning.
The skills learnt enable your child to concentrate better, remember what they have to do, and achieve better and realistic results.
The courses offer a unique opportunity for parents to become involved in a hands-on way; to ensure that they have the tools and knowledge to assist their children to develop and sustain the learning changes after the course. The parents' session is included in the price.

2. Study Tips for Parents - Tuesday eve - 12th May - R300 per person or R400 per couple

NB - This was scheduled for last Tuesday but postponed due to our car accident.

Parents, find out how to inspire your children to WANT TO LEARN and work to their attention limits. This course was requested by School of Achievement in Gauteng and is a wonderful workshop to find out how your AD/HD children learn and how to inspire them.

4. AD/HD & Marriage Workshop - Saturday morning 16th May - R300 per person or R400 per couple
From 09h00 till 12h00.

ADDers are high maintenance and co-dependency is common.
S/HE has no faults.
Love is a VERB!


Friday, May 08, 2009

Therapy room to rent

Room to rent in therapy practice in Highlands North. 15 square metres with own bathroom. Ideal for educational psychologist, speech therapist, remedial therapist. Contact Gerald on 0739236479 or maidensgk@yahoo.co.uk

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Educational Psychologist or Lacanian Psychoanalyst

Are you looking for an Educational Psychologist or Lacanian Psychoanalyst in the Gauteng region?

Check out Sharon Doubell Robins' listing on RemSpecED.

A reminder to medical professionals - Occupational therapists, Psychologists, Education Professionals, Physiotherapists etc - that they can have their practice listed on RemSpecED.

For further information please mail marc@rival.co.za

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Occupational therapy recognized as a - “Best Career” by US news & world report

The following is a news release that was posted on the American Occupational Therapy Association website and RemSpecED thought it was a fitting article to highlight on our site:

Read the complete article here.

Recovery from Autism is possible

The following is an article published by the Autism Research Institute in the US which RemSpecED thought would be a good place for parents to start to get their heads around autism.

Read the complete article here.

Bring Back Fun in our Schools

The Department of Education often comes in for quite a bit of stick for the state of South African education, so its great to see them making some positive statements.

The following is an article that was posted on their site and maybe gives some ideas of their thinking:

Read the complete article here.

Homework Study Skills Lessons From A Football Quarterback

A study skills expert explains how important it is to have a strategy for homework and provides a fun example from a football game recently played by Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers.

While it is a US article, RemSpecED thought there were some nice lessons in it for parents to try and draw from. Hope you enjoy:
Read the complete article here.